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Adapting Classroom Training to Virtual Training

Adapting to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have been the primary challenge of 2020.

Luckily, with some creativity, hard work and the help of technology we have been able to  adjust our strategy to share the Sparkassenstiftung Saving Game in Albania, virtually! 

We have transferred our classroom training of the Saving Game into the Sparkassenstiftung Virtual Classroom. This new training method overcomes the distance while keeping our training and education approach active!

Training other organizations on how to lead our Savings Game is how we ensure more people get the chance to play it and acquire financial literacy knowledge and skills. We have hosted multiple “Training of Trainers” workshops which has been presented by experienced international trainers.

21 participants at the first training session
In December 2020, our partner organizations, REC Albania and Junior Achievement Albania organized the first Virtual Classroom Training of the Savings Game. Regional Environmental Center (REC) Albania is an Albanian non-profit organisation that is focused on supporting NGOs and environmental institutions and stakeholders at the national, regional and local levels. It also promotes participatory processes and the exchange of information, which is what the Savings Game is focused on. And the mission of Junior Achievement Albania is to promote and support economic education and entrepreneurship among Albanian youth.

The first training included 21 participants, targeting young people of the REC Internship program and students and teachers of the VET (Veterinarian/Agricultural) high school Mihal Shahini in Cërrik. The training event received very positive feedback from the participants, who greatly appreciated the interactive approach and knowledge gained. By the end of the training session, participants stated that they now increased their knowledge of basic financial skills and also experienced a visible improvement in their information and communication technology (ICT) skills through the use of the virtual game.

What is the Sparkassenstiftung Savings Game?
The Sparkassenstiftung Savings Game is a highly interactive training tool for private households, young people and small family businesses that wish to learn the art of efficient family budget management and savings mobilisation. The objectives of our interactive training are aimed at introducing and understanding important financial literacy concepts, managing personal and family budgets, discovering the benefits of savings and how to select a sound financial institution.

We are thrilled to have such positive feedback, and are looking forward to introducing the Savings Game to more organisations and individuals throughout 2021!

For more information, or to get involved with our future activities, please contact: sparkassenstiftung.albania--at--sparkassenstiftung.de.



Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Regional Office Albania

Rr. Perlat Rexhepi, Nd 19, Ap 53, 7th Floor,
Tirana 1019, Albania

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