
German Sparkassenstiftung Albania operates within the framework of the German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation Head Office in Bonn, Germany.


German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (DSIK) is the development-policy arm of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and is an implementing agency of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its task is to disseminate the successful Sparkasse model across regional borders and around the globe and aims to increase access, usage, and quality of financial services worldwide. 

The overall objective of the project Strengthening Financial Literacy in the Republic of Albania is to improve the socio-economic living conditions of the population in Albania. We enable this by providing support  to individuals, small business and micro businesses through financial literacy training programs and by sustainably promoting  and providing financial and vocational education. We also focus on rural regions of Albania where we are developing measures for the target groups to gain entrepreneurial skills like financial management, accounting, business planning and emergency planning. We work closely with partner institutions in Albania, assisting them to strengthen the ability to design and implement needs-based financial education programs, which have been sustainably developed in cooperation with state actors and other donor initiatives in the rural areas of Albania.

Strengthening Financial Literacy in the Republic of Albania is the first German Sparkassenstiftung project in the country, however, DSIK is currently successfully engaged in more than 50 countries worldwide. German Sparkassenstiftung has been involved in the institutional strengthening of the microfinance sector worldwide and hopes to become a leading consultant and partners for the microfinance sector in Albania, working against the current challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic as well as relevant climate adaptation measures.

German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation has an office in Tirana, currently with 5 staff.

Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Regional Office Albania

Rr. Perlat Rexhepi, Nd 19, Ap 53, 7th Floor,
Tirana 1019, Albania

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